What actually are anti-wrinkle injections?

Most commonly known as Botox due to the original brand that launched the product, anti-wrinkle injections are a purified protein that relax the muscles causing expression. Over time expression lines appear permanent, therefore causing wrinkles to form. Botox has been used in medicine for over 60 years, but more commonly as a cosmetic treatment since the 1980’s. It’s both a very safe and effective treatment.
Why does Luisa recommend it? Luisa says “I particularly recommend anti-wrinkle treatments because they can give a great natural lift with subtle results and if done well, the treatment is undetectable.
Who uses it? Anti-wrinkle treatments are without a doubt our most popular treatment and a well known celebrity favourite. Luisa says “It would probably be easier to name who hasn’t had Botox than who has!” A few of the biggest celebrities who have been open about having the procedure are Kim Kardashian, Cameron Diaz and Gwenyth Paltrow to name just a few.
Who is it for? We recommend anti-wrinkle treatments for both men and women who have lines beginning to form or deeper wrinkles. Any skin type is suited to this treatment, and for those who aren’t sure about traditional Botox treatments, we also offer ‘Baby Botox‘ which is a smaller dose treatment.
What happens during the treatment? During the treatment a small amount of protein is injected into the skin into the areas where wrinkles are formed. The procedure takes less than 10 minutes and nobody would ever know you had any injections.
How long for the treatment to take effect? The treatment usually takes just four to seven days to work with the full effect taking up to two weeks.
How long will results last for? This largely depends on the dosage and the patient. Everyone is different, however the results averagely last anywhere between three and six months.
How often are sessions are recommended? On average our patients will have this treatment up to three times a year.
How do I book? This is a prescription medication and can only be given after a thorough consultation and assessment by our Professional Nurse Prescriber Luisa Scott.